Make viral videos with just a prompt

Make viral videos with just a prompt

Make viral videos with just a prompt

Use our chatbot to write, research, generate, and edit your next video. The #1 AI for creating popular short-form content.

Use our chatbot to write, research, generate, and edit your next video. The #1 AI for creating popular short-form content.

Automate and engage

Automate and engage

Automate and engage

All your favorite tools
in one

We put all the best video production tools into a single chatbot.

We put all the best video production tools into a single chatbot.

Custom Fonts

Stock Videos

Add GIFs

Add GIFs




Generated Video

Custom Fonts

Stock Videos

Add GIFs




Generated Video

How to use AIVIDEO

How to use AIVideo

How to use AIVideo

How to use AIVideo

Lets start with the basics…

Lets start with the basics…

Create a video

Simply describe your video in normal language and Stanley (our AI) will do the rest. For example:

"Make a video of fun facts about US presidents in the style of a Seinen anime"

"Make a video about this script: [ INSERT SCRIPT ]"

"A video of fun facts about US presidents. Use a silly female voice, upbeat music, and a playful subtitle font. 100 words max"

"Anime style video (20 seconds) about how Alan Freed invented
Rock 'n Roll"

"Anime style video (20 seconds) about how Alan Freed invented Rock 'n Roll"

Edit a video

After Stanley sends you a video, you can continue to use normal language to make changes.

"It's too long. Get rid of the last 2 scenes."

"Okay now try again using a retro comic book style for every scene."

"I dont like the stock video you used for the part where you talk about economic growth. I want to see a price chart going up for that segment."

"Take a snippet from the video above and change the style to: colorful retro acrylic"

Incorporate your own images and videos

Incorporate your own images and videos

Stanley can also use images and videos that you already have. Simply drag your media into the chat thread after you've run the /stanley command. Then you can request for them to be used in your video.

"Make a video about horses that includes my screenshots above (image of seabiscuit)."

"I'm attaching a few clips for you to use."

Generate individual video clips

If you want more control, you can generate individual images and then animate them with the click of a button.

If you want more control, you can generate individual images and then animate them using the animate button. From inside a project chat, use the command /generate-image, followed by your prompt. When you get an image you like, you can click the "animate" button to make it into a video clip to be included in your next video draft.

"An oil painting of the Eiffel Tower at sunset"

"A dynamic illustration of a racing car using a retro futuristic style."

"Illustration of John Lennon using impressionism"

Go viral

Go viral

Go viral

Go viral

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

"AIVIDEO is awesome! I'm making history videos completely automated with just a simple prompt!"

Harvey, TikTok Creator




© 2024 AIVIDEO

© 2024 AIVIDEO

© 2024 AIVIDEO